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About the Group Facilitator and Author


Beth is a Clinical Christian Counselor through the National Christian Counselors Association and she has been certified in the following areas:

  • Death and Grief Therapy

  • Crisis and Abuse Therapy

  • Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy

  • Temperament Therapy

  • Child and Adolescent Therapy

  • Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy

  • Group Therapy

  • Cognitive Therapy and Ethics


Beth is also a Certified Brain Health Coach through the Amen Clinics giving her the unique ability to offer a "Whole Person" approach to her teachings. She is also a facilitator and trainer for the Healing Journey Program. 

Beth is passionate about offering groups with a "Whole Person" approach, while utilizing a Christian Life Coaching model. She offers encouragement to women and teenage girls within all three areas of their lives; spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


Beth is not a state licensed counselor as she is dedicated to using biblical truths to bring hope, joy, and peace to women's lives. The Live Unwrapped programs are not counseling sessions and should never replace professional therapy, they can however compliment them very well. The Live Unwrapped Life Coaching model incorporates weekly lessons designed to assist women while establishing their own individualized goals. Our sessions provide encouraging support and fellowship with other women who are also on their journey toward personal growth and development as cherished daughters of the most high God! 

Beth currently lives in Zephyrhills Florida with her husband John of over 30 years. They have raised three children and have one grandchild.


Beth is offering ladies groups as her way of honoring her Lord and Savior for the life-changing comfort He has given her!  "Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. 2 Corinthians 1:4

About Live Unwrapped; Think Better, Feel Better, and Live Better
because of the transformative power of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.



Life can be very disappointing for each one of us, which is why we encourage women to unwrap their hearts and minds from a variety of life’s discouragements such as; depression, anxiety, addictions, relationship issues, inappropriate anger, loss of faith, negative thought patterns, grief, lack of forgiveness, loneliness, and more.


We accomplish this by utilizing a “Whole Person” approach which offers encouragement in all three areas of our lives; spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


LIVE UNWRAPPED OFFERS SPIRITUAL ENCOURAGEMENT because life’s discouragements often cause conflict between the thoughts in your mind and the feelings in your heart concerning God and his passionate love for you. We are taught in Sunday school that God is faithful, loving, and kind – while at the same time, the discouragements we have experienced lead us to feel that he is distant, untrustworthy, and unjust. These discrepancies cause our hearts to begin whispering doubts and lies about God, such as: “If God really does exist, then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?”, “If he really cares, then why didn’t he do something to protect me?” and “If God is supposed to be fair then why is my offender’s life flourishing while I am still suffering the consequences of their actions?


"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God,

and of Jesus our Lord," 2 Peter 1:2


LIVE UNWRAPPED OFFERS EMOTIONAL ENCOURAGEMENT while learning about our own personal “Mindsets” or the patterns of thought that we have developed as a result of our positive and negative experiences. Our mindsets are literally the filters that we view life through and they have the potential to become very helpful in our relationships, choices, and actions - or quite harmful!


“…be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2


We also examine our 7 inner CORE needs for; forgiveness, love, acceptance, significance, security, purpose, and worship. When we attempt to fill these CORE needs with anything or anyone other than the Lord, personal discouragement is inevitable. Lasting hope, joy, and peace is only possible when God is the one filling your inner CORE needs!


​"That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory,

to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;" Ephesians 3:16


LIVE UNWRAPPED OFFERS PHYSICAL ENCOURAGEMENT because many of us do not properly care for our physical bodies in the way that God intended. Our brains are the organ of thought, action, personality, and feeling. They help in determining our choices, behaviors, and attitudes as well as how we relate to others. They are an extremely important part of our lives, yet we rarely think about what they need in order to develop physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During the time we spend together, we will be discussing a variety of helpful topics such as; food and behavior, blood sugar levels, food intolerance, dehydration, sleep issues, the effects of serotonin & beta endorphin, concussions, and more.


"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,

which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" - 1 Corinthians 6:19


What I Believe

I believe that within the body of Christ, there should be a strong bond of unity that comes from a foundation of accepting Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins. I believe that nothing else can be added to Jesus' sacrifice to earn salvation.  Whether you have accepted this gift of salvation through Jesus or not, you are welcome to join us! 


I do also understand that not all Christians have the same perspective while discussing every biblical topic. When differences arise, I would encourage you to seek wisdom and instruction directly from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God without causing dissension within our time together. I simply ask that by making the choice to participate in the Live Unwrapped sessions that you would agree to respectfully disagree if differing opinions arise. I believe that we can have conflicting perspectives and beliefs while still acting with love and care for each other. 


My goal for our time together is simple.  I hope to offer encouragement, fellowship, and support while you are learning to "Live Unwrapped" so that you can "Think Better, Feel Better, and Live Better" because of the transformative power of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Zephyrhills, Florida 33542





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